Tuesday, May 24, 2005

signs are good

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 - Feb 18): You Aquarians have been getting ready for a big change and now it feels much closer, but you'll need to watch for the signals. Everything that happens is a sign. Don't, however, confuse the signs with reality. You still must connect the dots for things to make sense.

Keep your eyes wide open and be ready to rock and roll.

This is my horoscope for today. I’m printing it up and putting it on my altar. “Everything that happens is a sign. Don’t however, confuse the signs with reality” is damn good advice for me. As a child I loved being presented with the exercise of connecting the dots, trying to guess well before my crayon had completed the task what picture was going to appear. For some time I’ve described myself as a “connect the dots” kind of witch, good at making connections between things and ferreting out possible general storylines. Over the years, I’ve worried less and less about what is truly spelled out by all the dots connecting, knowing that often it won’t make real sense, and “reality” has a funny way of shapeshifting.

The big change is much closer, and as usual, what happens in one world is affecting all the worlds. My outer world is on the edge of changing drastically. There’s a major overhaul going on at home and in my workplace. As I prepare for it, my inner world is also being reconstructed. It feels like whole new rooms are being opened up, and there’s a mighty love affair with the world going on. There’s signs everywhere, pointing to a variety of realities. My eyes are wide open. Connecting the dots, I’m taking the crayon and am simultaneously open to being surprised by what is being created and feeling in charge of drawing something out that is my heart’s desire, that will rock my socks off in the best of ways. My iPod spread for today: That’s Amore, by Dean Martin, Rock the Boat, the Hues Corporation, and I Feel Good, James Brown. I’m certainly ready to rock and roll.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does this mean you'll be bringing an air guitar to camp? Make sure the lead is long - that ritual ground is quite some way from a plug socket, y'know. >;-)