Thursday, May 26, 2005

enjoy the show

Gosh, I love therapy. I like being a therapist, and I really enjoy being back in therapy. Having an engaged and attentive witness is proving to be incredibly valuable at the moment. What dots I can’t seem to connect, my therapist can.

Right now several intense dramas are unfolding around me. I’m not the protagonist in any of them. Even in the ones that I am a part of, I play a supporting character, I’m not in leading role. There’s some grief attached to not being able to control some of the developing storylines of those I love. In the past, I would have tried to intervene, and felt responsible; believing I should be able to say the perfect thing, in the perfect way, at the perfect time to shift things for everybody. As I mulled all this, my therapist said the perfect thing, in the perfect way, at the perfect time. Sometimes therapists can do that. “Time to make popcorn”.

Time to make popcorn. Comedy and tragedy are interwoven this week. Sometimes I’ve played a part, but as far as the big picture, this time I’m not directing the show. Sitting back and watching the show, I’ve laughed, cried, had a hard time bearing the suspense, wondered when the action would pick up, and marveled at the twists and turns of the plot. No matter how bad the picture, I’m making sure to enjoy the popcorn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Time to make popcorn: that is a great phrase! And boy, am I in need of that same sense: knowing when to just watch, even where I habitually intervene. Yup, I really, really need that. Thanks for that one, Oak.