Saturday, January 14, 2006

new year, new era

Tonight I will be going to a friend’s house for dinner. He’s a fabulous cook, so I know that every dish will be exquisite, every bite a pleasure. The conversation and view of the city will be as rich as the food, I’m sure. Last night Naomi drove me over to the Chabot observatory and we looked at the full moon thru the powerful telescope, being able to see up close the patterns and craters that tattoo the surface, then we laughed our way thru a swank cocktail party of L Word celebrities and ended up in her scrumptious living room discussing the mystic qualities of the alphabet. I’ve jettisoned the role of Lucifer. Reya has put another Pluto in my astrological chart, in the hopes of bringing more balance to a personality more accustomed to giving than to receiving. If the last 24 hours are indicative, this really is a new year, a new era. I’m for it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a cracking good evening! I particularly love the description of your friend's living room as 'scrumptious' - sounds like it was edible and rather sweet! x