Monday, January 23, 2006

the interconnectiveness of all things

This weekend was devoted to the magic of linking. It’s been close to a year that I’ve been blogging. On Friday I set the intention to come thru the weekend with my blog having links to other blogs. As I worked towards it (and it was work!) I pondered on the power of it, the complexity of the interconnectiveness. How incredible that out here in cyberspace old friends and cohorts are finding each other and building another kind of intimacy and connection! With every old connection, new ones are made as well. This blogging is creating its own ecosystem between the worlds, full of stories, with new pages nurtured by their connections to older ones, with each link creating a new pattern.

Hiking with Naomi on Saturday, we marveled at the infinite variety in nature, the variety even in the color green. This time period, when you can sense the spring straining to be sprung, elicits such a feeling of possibility. Walking thru the San Anselmo watershed, we trained our eyes to look for mushrooms and orchids, finding both in plentitude. We stopped and ran our hands over lush moss, and turned over dead branches on the ground to explore the worlds underneath. In the woods, both the sturdy and the delicate support and depend on each other, and the complexity of the interconnections is literally mind-boggling.

That evening, sitting down to candlelit dinner at a table filled with old and new friends, I marveled at the way we humans inact the complexity of the internconnectiveness going on all around us in our conversation. We naturally look for links between us, drawn to strengthening and reinforcing each one. Driving back from the Sunset, giving a ride to Elizabeth, I thought about how for most of us, this linking, this connection, is such a source of pleasure, and how the more complex our links, the richer our satisfaction. What a fantastic thing to have happen between the worlds, this linking of stories and sites in cyberspace!

I avoided settling down to figure out how to add the links to my blog until late into Sunday, but by that time, my intent in making the links was clear. Let my linking be a carrot thrown into the cosmic soup…sending ripples out which reinforce and resonate with the infinite variety of diverse connections which make this planet such a place of beauty and wonder, and may what happens between the worlds, truly affect all the worlds. This blogging is good magic.


Faerose said...

"Let my linking be a carrot thrown into the cosmic soup…"

*giggles and is happy"

Anonymous said...

Oh, oh, how this post filled me with delight and made me laugh out loud in that health-enhancing, spirit-boosting way.

I agree with Magda, first off, that the carrot invocation is wonderful!

I was also thinking this morning how much I could sense the Spring building in the air, in the bird song, in the budding trees and the bulbs peeping up from the hard soil. So when you say, 'you can sense the spring straining to be sprung' I couldn't agree more!

And thanks, of course, for the linkage. It does take time to build a blog in terms of look, feel and so on, but as hobbies go, I find blogging is a beautiful way to reach out to the world, to exercise the mind as part of your daily practice and to have fun! x

deborahoak said...

the carrot invocation is a direct link from Magda, who in one of our great conversations talked at length about "the carrot and the soup" to describe our place (the carrot) in the all..(the soup). Loving my links to all of you...

Anne said...

Oooooh! Look at you! You've got links! Excellent woman!

much much love, sweetie.

khlari said...

Hi Oak

Again, connectedness. I am a friend of Andy's, Spicy Cauldron, in real time as well as on the net, since we were at uni together back in the 1340s. I have found that this blogging lark and the net in general do indeed have a way of bringing people magically together, both in real life and virtually. I even met my lovely partner this way. Andy has told me a lot about you and I am really enjoying reading your blog. As for links, have to get Andy round to fix mine, they died and I can't add any more!

Bright blessings

Khlari x