Wednesday, January 11, 2006

long story short

It’s raining today. Since the last time I’ve written there have been mighty storms, and heart swelling bright days full of the portent of spring. A leaky roof has been repaired, a housemate’s leg has been broken, relationships have shifted and been re-aligned, and the days have increasingly gotten longer. Light is returning.

In the Craft, there’s the saying “as above, so below”. The longer I’ve been a witch, the more the sense resonates that what’s going on externally is a mirror to what is happening internally and visa versa. The wheel of the year, the tug of the seasons and the vagaries of the weather, all interact with and punctuate the narrative of this novel life.

This solstice packed some punch. I’m still recovering, but relishing what the return of the light is choosing to
shine it’s brilliance on. This is going to be some wild new year.


Faerose said...

i'm glad your posting again *smiles*

Reya Mellicker said...

Me, too!