Sunday, April 06, 2008

I'm at the kitchen table at Anne-Marie's, using Dawn's laptop. Dawn and I are teaching a "path" at witchcamp on air. We will be working on getting across the idea that our thoughts and words matter, in fact they tend to be part of what creates the matter of our lives, being a large part of directing it.

Outside, it's snowing. Like REALLY snowing. I'm a California girl, and not the Tahoe type.  For me, snow has NOTHING to do with spring. We are heading off to camp in a few hours, a camp optimistically entitled "Avalon Spring".

So, it's snowing. Oh, and the car broke down yesterday.  So, we are not quite clear now how we will be getting to camp.  My phone didn't work for a few hours right after the car broke down. Every number I called was met by the same response - number not in use. After an offering to the fey, the phone started working again.  That didn't fix the car, but I'm hoping just maybe there will be some good news now on my computer.

So,  we are listening. And laughing a lot. Who knows why things go awry when the best plans are made? Who knows what it is we are suppose to learn from this. We have THEORIES.  There's nothing more amusing and rather psychotic sounding than a bunch of witches using their psychic decoder rings to interpret a series of events.  Offerings and honorings to a variety of folks of course need to be made. 

But mostly, we are slowing down. Trying to listen. And marveling in just how alive and communicative this world of matter and spirits are. E-mails would be so much simpler....but then, of course, your internet has to be working.


Anonymous said...

Hey Deborah!
Sounds like you're having fun!

I looked at the transits, unfortunately, I don't think you can blame it on the stars....

Mercury is direct, and everything else is groovy, so it must be witchcamp...hee, hee....

Anonymous said...

I sometimes wonder if the fey are somehow linked to the gremlins that allegedly fiddled with fighter planes in WW2. :-)

Nancy said...

Hey Oak
Glad you're enjoying it all. I'd love to be there. great snowy blessings!