Sunday, September 02, 2007

A Time Was Had

I’m back from a week between the worlds. I’m back from B.C. Witchcamp.

When the teaching team gathered in Seattle, I invoked a piece of magic which worked on us all week. I've invoked the same thing before, with great results. This time an entirely different thing occurred, but that’s the nature of magic. How the elements respond to our requests and interact with us shifts and changes. It can’t be scientifically quantified or counted on. Magic is mysterious. We know that by working magic, something will happen, but we never can really know what that something is. Working magic is engaging in a relationship. Being just one piece of it, you can’t really know how the interaction will turn out.

While we were planning the night rituals, something that can take hours and hours to happen, and all of the “free” time at camp, I invoked that for every 3 minutes of clock time, we would have 9 minutes of experiential time. In that planning day we did a lot, planning all of the rituals but the last one. However, the magic kept working, and instead of one week at camp, I ended up being there for three weeks.

We still used a heck of a lot of clock time honing and crafting the night time rituals while we were there, but three weeks of experience occurred in one week of clock time, AND the clock in the room truly did move only about three minutes for every nine, getting slower and slower as camp went on. By the time we left, it was barely moving.

I’m stepping out of this, and time is getting right sized. Three minutes are becoming three minutes. In the next week or so, I hope to write about some of the experiences I had at camp, on the other magic that was worked. Nothing that we planned turned out like we thought. If I had to put all that happened into a sentence it would be: Mistakes Were Made and It Was Good.

I love the people I worked with and met, and it feels like I have known them all forever, or for at least three weeks. Paul and I proved to be seasoned priestesses of Elvis, and the Elvisyinian Mysteries were shared in a way that was potent but didn’t infringe on the whole camp. The planets and stars danced in step with our magic, and we danced in step with them. New dances and ways to raise energy were created. There was a lunar eclipse which was sung to. The community as a whole stepped into the ruby slippers, and the age of Pisces seemed to slip mightily into the age of Aquarius by week’s end.

It’s time to stop writing and step out into Seattle for my last day of sightseeing with my girlfriend before returning home. Last time I was here was for the WTO and I spent the gist of the time in jail. Both visits contain magic, but this time the magic is in the relaxing pace and the luxury of a good hotel.

I love being a witch.


Aquila ka Hecate said...

Wow. I've heard of people saying that time slowed down ini a ritual circle before.
Not just felt slower but actually passed more slowly- as if they were in a spaceship approaching light speed.

I've had the subjective experience, too.But I'm now starting to think of a way to get a more objective slant on it-something involving two people and two timepieces.

Not that objective proof is the important thing-but it would be interesting.

Terri in Joburg

Kat said...

Sounds like an amazing time. Camp is always different, and always what it should be.

I'm looking forward to hearing more stories. Also please contact me re: counseling when you have a minute (or three, or nine) : )


Faerose said...

Welcome back!


Anonymous said...

And as I entered the checkout lane at the grocery store today, what was staring at me from the impulse shelf but a single box of the triple Elvis Pez dispensers...right under the National Inquirer.