Wednesday, February 23, 2005

things are moving

Things are moving, energies are shifting. Transitions are taking shape and form. Today at lunch my office partner of close to twenty years acknowledged that it's time to let go of her practice and her office. When we first started talking, she was looking at letting go by the end of the year, but by the time we got back to the office she was ready to tell our officemates that they could take over the lease. Spring has sprung, and people around me are letting go of old stale patterns and freeing themselves of what is no longer living. What a powerful spring this is turning out to be! My household is also reconstructing itself, and hopefully by this weekend Ilyse will have committed to buy out Patti and Karl. I can feel the house yearning to come more alive and alive it will come when that middle flat is cleared out, floors refinished and lightened and walls repainted. Possibility beckons. How light I may be by next year, released from the weight of managing this office basically alone and released from the the fear and concern I've carried about Patti and Karl's ability to finanically survive. I'm ready.

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