Tuesday, July 26, 2005

give it time

One of the unexpected gifts of this past year has been my relationship with my clairvoyant body worker. I’ve always felt that finding the right therapist/body workers/healer is a bit like finding the proverbial needle in the haystack. It can be done, but it’s an act involving both intense focus and luck. I scored big with Zoe.

Not only does Zoe tune into what my body needs, knows where energy is stuck and how to move it, but she can read the stories that swirl around me. Early on she told me she was a clairvoyant, that she did past life readings. This was something I had to take my time with. A few years back I walked a gauntlet line of police with my friend Fern, moving quickly as we sensed they were about to charge the group of protesters we had been marching with. As we walked, I kept flashing on the two of us in high heels, walking down a dusty road in the South, getting out of town to avoid the law. I laughed heartily that the only past life that made itself known to me was one in which I was a wanton flapper. It was just a flash, but a palpable one. I could even sense the hangover and taste the cheap lipstick.

Despite this experience, I’ve tried to steer away from exploring past lives. Like the whole idea of Atlantis, they make me leery. I may be a witch from California, but I’m no flake. It's always interesting what we write off as too wacky. So it took me awhile to take Zoe up on her giving me a reading. I now love the language of this. A reading. Zoë’s “reading’ rocked my world. Stories float around us, flow thru us. Patterns and narratives are written on our skin, and pulse thru our energy field. Perhaps they are actual lives from the past, or perhaps they are stories that those who are perceptive can read, and then tell, stories that can inform the life we are living now, that connect to our own mythic quest. It doesn’t matter to me whether the tales Zoe read are lives I have actually lived or not. What matters to me is that these stories have a connection to this current epic. As I heard them, they were instantly familiar, they resonated with what I know and understand of this world. Though wildly different, the themes had bearing on my own storyline. They continue to be instructive and broaden my field of vision.

The story of Cleopatra, of royalty, of fame, these are not the stories written on my flesh. My current incarnation is informed by stories of a flapper, a woman caballero, and an African hermaphrodite. I’m enjoying giving these stories life, and letting that life flow back into mine, making it richer and fuller. And I’m thanking my lucky stars that I don’t have to learn anything yet from stories involving Atlantis. Although some voice murmurs here loudly; “give it time, give it time”.


Faerose said...

Its so funny – my plan today was to write in my journal about past lives – It looks like you beat me to it…

I also used to think that the idea of past lives was flaky and fluffy, but then I started getting flashes – some of the things would make me laugh, most would make me cry. Whatever they were, these stories would inform and confuse me. Far from being flaky I would find them very heavy going.

The first time it happened was with my partner – I was distressed by what had been conjured by my inner vision, and trying not to take it seriously I told him what I had seen. I was very shocked when he went pale and said he remembered the same thing!!

Recently my life has been rocked by way to many visions/stories. I am not always sure if they help with living this life, I am even less sure what to do when I think the info relates to someone else’s life and the patterns are made clear. I have always thought/ been told that it is unethical to impinge my visions on someone else. Currently what is burning inside me, is the though that just maybe, sometimes, it is unethical to keep silent.


Reya Mellicker said...

Deborah you have definitely had royal lifetimes, too, but maybe you don't need to hook into your own majesty, maybe you know it well enough. A lot of people need to know they're related to the Sun - that's what royalty is, I think. Yes?

Cleopatra? Yeah, well, most of us involved in post-modern western witchcraft have lifetimes in ancient Egypt, especially the Brits. I believe Uncle Gerald and Auntie Doreen went back to their ancestral/spiritual roots to develop the practices we call witchcraft.

I believe in past lives and future lives, too. Not sure they're always chronological, though. For instance, your "next" life might be as Cleopatra, or as a priestess on Atlantis. Not trying to curse you!!

much love,

Unknown said...

Oh those flapper day's.....
and though I can't drink as much now, I have vague, but fond impressions from our life together then:)

Past lives seem to be a theme around our house lately, not sure exactly what to make of it-though as you know I'm certainly experiencing the stories flowing through and around me at all kinds of levels, with lots of different people.
Loved how you wrote about our interelationship with those stories-lovely:)