Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Turn and face the strange. changes.

"We cannot change anything until we accept it.” Carl Jung

I come from a spiritual tradition that believes that magic is the art of changing consciousness at will and that practicing this magic is our sacred duty. I have been in large groups of people more times than I can count, holding hands and doing a spiral dance, chanting “She changes everything she touches, and everything she touches, changes”. She, of course, is the Goddess. She is paradoxical gal, and she knows that the only constant is, yep, change.

In the past months, I’ve been going through changes. Big Ones. And, oh, how I want to use my will to change this!!!! I’ve done countless cleansings, purifications, furniture has been moved, and every closet and drawer organized. I’m that kind of magician. I know how to cast a circle and wave around my athame and/or wand with charged gusto, but I find cleaning my refrigerator just as effective. Incantations, of course, are involved in both.

So, I’ve done my best to meddle, to spell out where I want to get to; that calm (tidy and well organized) beach across this stormy emotional sea. Yet, the sea is still stormy. So, acceptance is the damn issue. And that takes awhile. How I want the winds of change to whip though, followed by fires of transformation, me emerging like Yemaya from the healing waters of this stormy sea, emanating self-love and pearls of wisdom dripping off me from the irritation of this experience! But no, as it turns out, the only way to really endure a stormy sea is to invoke the deep gravity of the earth, accepting the weight of time and doing nothing but enduring.

Everyday in my work I balance the power of silence with the power of the word… when is my job to intervene, engage and spell out change and when is my job to simply be silent and bear witness? The truth is, to be an effective change agent, we have to have both hands holding these different reins, open to changing consciousness at will, and open to doing nothing but accepting what is.

My hands are on these reins. My closets are clean, my pantry organized. Even my taxes are done! And, I’m accepting that my heart is still one big mess and breathing into it and letting it be okay. But, I will still keep cleaning. And muttering incantations. Balance is the issue and thank the Goddess, her time is NOW.


Anne said...

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Because there WILL be calm in the heart. It will materialize as a mirror of the calm and restful environment.

The environment, the clean refrigerator, being a first manifestation of the inner peace.

My magic, too.

I love you.

Reya Mellicker said...

I believe in the instant gratification of cleaning house, especially when I'm going through emotional turbulence that's taking its sweet time working itself out.

When I'm flopping around, the Sufi acupuncturist always says, "Go deeper." He believes there is always a place of peace and calm deep deep deep in the heart. May you find that place!! xx and love,

deborahoak said...

Yes, making the home mirror back a calm, restful, and tidy place is one heap of big magic. Drinking coffee right now at my lovely dining room table, beauty and order all around, going deeper!!! And going deeper, I think this is the gravity of earth healing us - sitting the heck down and letting the gravity pull us deep deep deep down where there is calm and silence and the only "changes" are potential. like how a seed has to sit there and have earth work on it for awhile before anything happens. that's happening in the deepness right now.

Reya Mellicker said...

May you glide for the time being, beneath the storm.

Amoret MBR said...

"The truth is, to be an effective change agent, we have to have both hands holding these different reins, open to changing consciousness at will, and open to doing nothing but accepting what is."

So, so true.

Carrie K said...

I'm of the opinion right now that change is evil, but then again, change is the only constant. A conundrum.

We're opposites on the spectrum of spirituality but I hope that one day neither side will view the other with loathing and fear. Of course, we kind of have to get rid of the wingnuts then and in that case, we'll all be better off.