Tuesday, March 16, 2010

mars goes direct

I’ve been sleeping soundly for the past week, dreaming the kind of dreams that only can be described as sweet.

My rhythm seems to be congruent with the season, and the movement of planets. Fern tells me that Mars went direct last week, and things that have felt stuck, will begin to move. For me, that move was immediate, and my mood found its mirror in the brilliant spring days.

It’s nice to have a good friend who is an astrologer, who tells you when planets go direct, and who also gives you the heads up when a new moon is a particularly auspicious time for making wishes, Fern told me to do things yesterday that I wanted to bring into or maintain in my life.

Check. And then some.

Over coffee and with the magic of skype, I talked to a dear friend in England and we did some planning of Avalonspring. My son had the day off from school and we worked happily together on some details around next year's college. My son helped me garden, and I mindfully planted seeds for things that are delicious and nurturing. I got news that a beloved friend who I haven't seen for 2 years will visit me in April. An unexpected connection was made and my weekend dance card became delightfully full. I worked in my art studio. I challenged my professional association to not bow into the religious right and to stand up against hatred. I put money in the bank and was grateful for the work I do. I went for a walk. I swam for an hour. I got an 80 minute massage. Then, I went out to dinner with a friend who had just finished a book and feasted on good food and even better conversation. I walked home, loving with every step where I live. And, wonderfully, time expanded and the day felt long and spacious. Then I slept and had sweet dreams.

Equinox, here I come!!! From being off kilter for months, I suddenly seem to be coming into some balance. If yesterday planted the seeds of the coming years, then everything is sure to be coming up roses.

And, I am trusting that those roses will be of many colors and all smell divine.


Beth Owl's Daughter said...

So mote it be!
- Beth

T. Thorn Coyle said...


Donald Engstrom-Reese said...

This post is music to my heart.

Anne said...

Dear heart, I am so glad to read this.

Leaf said...

What a great post! Don't you just love long days filled with joyful activity?

I'm one of Georgia and Anne-Marie's students in England and I'm very much looking forward to meeting you in the summer!

Blessings, Leaf

Reya Mellicker said...

Onwards & upwards!