Friday, January 25, 2008

You are invited to the third annual Brigid in Cyperspace Poetry Reading

Well, Anne Hill asked if we were going to do this again, and I say YES! Feel free to copy the following to your blog and spread the word. Let poetry bless the blogosphere once again!

WHAT: A Bloggers (Silent) Poetry Reading

WHEN: Anytime February 2, 2008

WHERE: Your blog

WHY: To celebrate the Feast of Brigid, aka Groundhog Day

HOW: Select a poem you like - by a favorite poet or one of your own - to post February 2nd.

RSVP: If you plan to publish, feel free to leave a comment and link on this post. Last year when the call went out there was more poetry in cyberspace than I could keep track of. So, link to whoever you hear about this from and a mighty web of poetry will be spun.

Feel free to pass this invitation on to any and all bloggers.

Thank you, Reya, for beginning what is now an annual event.


Sharon Jackson said...

Hi Oak! I have put this info on my blog at
I am happy to do this, I think it will be fun. is my work website, but my latest work is at
Which is a site responding to the 100 Mile Diet and coming up with a unique Island solution. Please check it out and I already know what poem I am going to put at Brigid.
BB to you email is sej51 at
I have lost everyone's email somehow. Sigh
Sharon Jackson

Anonymous said...

The link you have to my poetry post may get lost as I write other things, so here is the specific link to the entry that contains a poem I wrote ever so long ago. Thanks Oak, for posting the general invite!

Love you,

Erik said...

I have posted this at Executive Pagan as well and plan to participate.

Beth Owl's Daughter said...

Oh how lovely! Yes, I will certainly participate. I'll post the announcement first thing tomorrow on my blog as well as as well as my website.

- Beth

Reya Mellicker said...

I am pro poetry - and I vote. I'll spread the word. Thanks!

Bobby D. said...

I will post info and on Feb 2, a poem,


Rebecca Clayton said...

Please count me in! I enjoyed this so much last year.

Hecate said...

Oh, thank you for doing this! I'll post your post at my blog and I'll be honored to find a poem for Brighid the Bright on Imbolc. What a lovely tradition!

Barbara said...

I'll post something on February 2. Thanks for keeping this idea going!

Peter Bishop said...

Hi, Deborah! I like your idea of poetry for Imbolc. I've posted one by Wendell Berry over at Quaker Pagan Reflections. Cat and I thought we would do a total of three poems, to honor the Triple Goddess.

Johanna-Hypatia said...

I would love to participate! Thanks for doing this, Oak! :)

Anonymous said...

Yay! I love silent poetry day!

libramoon said...

Thanks! I posted the info. on Seers and Seekers.

You are invited to help to form what we become:

[if the links do not take you to the web pages, please cut or copy and paste
them into your web browser or return email me.]

Chironic Vision

Part I

The future descends
from the fear-embroidered skies
the vision is of holocaust -- when everybody dies
A new day is dawning, but is it sun or storm?
We have a chance to make our mark
but is it right or wrong?
The military marches
The anti-warriors too
We take our stand in battle
The many and the few
Spinning tales of magic, of wizardry and fate
We want to know just how it ends before it's all too late
We sing our song too late
We right our wrongs too late
We want to know the date
To find a better fate

Can I tell you?
Can I help you to know or understand?
Can I utter the words that will make you see me?
Standing here before you, I want to take your hand
to be swirled up into a magical dancing
to be taken to worlds of beauty entrancing
to give you the will and the wonder to set you free.
Can you see me?

Laurie Corzett - libramoon's observatory (blog)

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful idea for community celebration! I love it! I have posted the invitation in my LiveJournal and will be posting poetry on Imbolc!

dennis said...

Dennis will be posting a poem for Brigid. Dennis wants to know what time the groundhog will be served.

Squirrel said...

I will try to write a poem about my river.

Unknown said...

Hello Oak, Last year when You sent this invitation blogs were still a mystery to me so we had a mini web on

This year I have a blog: am not sure how to do the links etc but there are already a few poems on my as yet few entries and I shall add at least one for imbolc. Thank you for the invite!
Bríd Wyldearth

Mercury Redbone said...

I shall do it! I think I know just the thing...

Ambermoggie, a fragrant soul said...

done it the past 2 years and will be doing so again this year
amber in englandexnjggg

Kat said...

Dear Deborah, glad to see you writing again. My blahg has been a bit blahgged down lately. Thank you for the inspiration to write poetry on the 2nd.

See you Friday : )

Lizl Bennefeld said...

I've put a note up on my quietspaces LJ about the poetry reading. On Feb. 2nd, I will put a poem on my blog at --hopefully, something original, but something, at any rate.

Liz Bennefeld

Cat C-B (and/or Peter B) said...

Since Peter put up his favorite poem on Sunday, it was my turn to do so today. Over at Quaker Pagan Reflections, my favorite Robert Frost is up at Imbolc Poetry Challenge Part II.

Part III, one of Penny Novack's poems, with a more obviously Pagan theme, will go up on Thursday.

Happy Imbolc!

Pitch313 said...

Taking part in the third annual Brigid in Cyberspace Poetry Reading, I'm putting up 3 haiku I've done over at Here's The Pitch.

Zahara Celestial said...

Dear Oak,

This is wonderful suggestion. I will post a poem on my Blogg on 2nd and look forward to reading other poems!
Looking forward to seeing you in April!

Anonymous said...

I'm in. And thanks.

Marjie said...

Er, I can't figure out how to link to your blog.

Robert said...

Thanks for the invitation. I will post a poem on Saturday, too.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful idea! I have posted the invitation on my blog at and will definitely be participating. I can't wait!

Anne said...

I'm in, sweetie, of course!

See you then!

Jen in FL said...

Yup, I'm in too! :-)

Danielle said...

I saw this over at Quaker Pagan Reflections and I saw it last year. This year I think I'll actually participate over at my blog: Manzanita, Redwoods and Laurel.

teabird said...

I'm going to post --

Teabird at Tea Reads

Anonymous said...

I have started a new side blog and participated there. I re-posted last year's entry as I found it spoke to me even more now than it did when I first wrote it.

Thank you for making me dig itback out of "storage".

Mama Kelly

Geoffrey D. Stewart said...

Dear Deborah,

First off, as others have said, glad to see you posting once more! Please count me in I will post the announcement to my blog forthwith and craft some poetry!



Anonymous said...

Hiya. I followed the link from Moonroot and I think this is a fabulous idea. I will be posting this on my blog and will now spend several hours happily browsing poetry. :) My blog address is

Anonymous said...

I have a poem to post at:

thanks for the opportunity to participate


Anonymous said...

I shall be there. I often post a poem just to share with friends, this is a good reason to do it even more often.

You'll find me at:

Anonymous said...

A beautiful way to celebrate the season of Brighid using her art of poetry - I shall definitely be contributing.

Celtic Myth Podshow

Anonymous said...

i will post at

we need more poetry, especially in the winter.

Bridget said...

Teabird invited me to post, so I put mine up today, for my own reasons, stated on my blog.

Becky said...

I will be posting on my blog.

I look forward to reading some fine poetry!

Brahdelt said...

I posted a poem about a sparrow! *^v^*

lettuce said...

i'll be happily posting a poem

(here via Reya)


Nana Sadie said...

I'll be posting, too! Check here:

Susan said...

I'll be posting again for the third annual poetry reading! Simply Susan

~ said...

at imbolc

indrawn breath through milky
mucused lips
calf totters back
drunk, full
gazes new-eyed
at cobwebbed boards

warm, turgid
heavy udder
sways to stillness
firm slack nipples drip

milk drops on the straw

sunt_lacrimae_rerum said...

I have a nice poem and picture in honor of Brigid at my site.

I was referred by Tea Leave's blog.

Mel said...

For the second year in a row I'll be posting something.

Leanne said...

Ive just posted a poem on my blog too, what a fab idea!

leanne x

Hannah said...

Just posted! Thanks for spreading the word.

Partly Cloudy Knitter said...

What a wonderful idea.
Just posted on my blog!

Anonymous said...

A knitting sonnet. :D

fillyjonk said...

Mine is up:

Thank you for bringing this idea forward; I think it is a wonderful thing that adds to the beauty of the world.

Johanna-Hypatia said...

I'm in...

Thanks for doing this, Oak! :)

harriet said...

Lovely idea. Mine is on:

Anonymous said...

I'll be posting today :-)

Carol Maltby said...

My offerings are at my Stone Circles blog at

Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing this again--I look forward to a wonderful Saturday of reading poetry!

Mine's up:

Anonymous said...

I posted a great little observation by Dorothy Parker:


Lizl Bennefeld said...

I have now posted one of my favorites among the poems I have written: Vision Stalker.

Megan said...

I posted a poem.

Inanna said...

You can find mine here.


Nancy said...

I posted a Marge Piercy poem on my blog --- --- this is my 2nd post of the day since Punxsutawny Phil lives about 60 miles from me!

Anonymous said...

Here's my poem.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love it. Loved it last year, too. And I'm from San Francisco! The best place ever.

Anonymous said...

Whoops! I'm a doofus. Blog =

Heather said...

Mine's up:

Heather said...

Hmm. I'll try that again.

Here's my blog post.

Turtleheart said...
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The Ginger Darlings said...

We salute you from across the sea, three cats with a taste for a poem. We dug around in the studio of the woman who lives with us and found a salute to the raven, to Brigid and to the Morrigan, lurking almost forgotten in a corner.
We thank you for the web of poetry you wrap around the world.

Jen Moore said...

I heard about this from Inanna; I've posted here. Wonderful idea!

Anonymous said...

love this idea

my website is

Jo said...

Mine is up. You can see it at

Anonymous said...

Hi Oak,

Thanks again for your inspiration, so poignant for the Lady of the Poets. My own humble offering is at


The Celtic Myth Podshow

LoriAngela said...

I've posted, too. Thanks for including everyone.

Penelope said...

I just found out about this and love the idea. I linked to your site and posted a poem at at

Yonners said...

Mmmm... Fred Wah.

:) Thanks Oak!

Unknown said...

Came here from

Linked to you on my poetry post here Time Better Spent

Anonymous said...

What a lovely idea. I've posted a poem in my blog ( and linked back to your post.

Anonymous said...

thank you for this beautiful Working! I've posted my own offering at

Blessed imbolc!!

Thalia said...

I'm in too, with one of my own here.

Anonymous said...

I'm in! Thanks for doing this again.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful idea! This will be my first Imbolc/Brigid celebration.

Laiane said...

I plan on participating this year. The Yarn Harlot sent me this way, btw.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely idea!

My poem will be at

Blessed Be!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful idea. I just learned about this and am new to the commmunity...would love to contribute. I posted one of my favorite Bukowski poems at


Robin Marie said...

Hello! I love this! I've shared my favorite poem over at my blog! I found out about this from Yarn Harlot:)

writerwoman said...

I mentioned this on Poets Who Blog.

Thanks for the info.

Ina said...

Great idea! I've posted!

TrampledbyGeese said...

Oh, poetry! I love poetry. Any excuse to post poetry is good by me.

I chose tennyson:

Elizabeth said...

I've posted mine - it's the first year I've done so, but I enjoyed reading the poems enought last year I thought I'd add to it.

Anonymous said...

I posted for this at Feather and Fan

normanack said...

Thank you so much! I've got a poem at subversive suburban.

Anonymous said...

I posted a poem, its at the bottom of the post(if you'r enot a knitter youmight want to scan down)

Anonymous said...

Late to tell you, but I'm playing (as always) over at my house.

Thanks for investing yourself in this.

Anonymous said...

Showing the Blake love over at

Elva Undine said...

I posted! Folk and Fairy

'Zann said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
'Zann said...

I'll try this again! My link didn't come out right.

Hi Oak - this is my second year to participate.
You should be able to get to the specific entry at:

Lizards in the Leaves

Hope that works.


Amelia of Ask The Bellwether said...

Posted mine ...
Sonnet XXX (that's thirty, not a rating!)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a wonderful day of beautiful poetry! I chose The Lady of Shalott.

gabarella said...

Here is the link to my post. Thank you for organizing this--

MamaSutra said...

Love this idea. Here's mine:
Hooray for poetry, hooray for Brigid!!


MamaSutra said...

Follow up to my previous comment as it doesn't look like the whole address showed up:

Trasie said...

I've posted a poem by Chandra Mayor on my site - Thank you so much!


Christina Wible said...

Better late than never here:

Anonymous said..., Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening

alice said...

i decided to post a poem myself and play along this year, yay! though, i decided to post a recording of the poem being read, because i think it's just better when heard... come check it out!

Anonymous said...

Here's mine.

kcwc said...

I found out about this in my readings of the Yarn Harlot. I put up an Ofelia Zepeda poem on my blog:

Beth said...

I've posted my poems for the Silent reading. Was reminded by The Yarn Harlot too.

Elizavetta said...

Just posted this... seriously under the wire! 11:59pm ;)
I am, not happiness.

Thank you, Oak

Irie said...

Great idea. Ode to a pair of socks

The Ginger Darlings said...

Many thanks for doing this. I have put a favorite on my journal, but as the journal was started in a time before blogs you have to go to it at
I love this poem, Tonight I Can Write, by Pablo Neruda. I know nothing about the man and few of his other poems but this spell of poetry that wraps around the world has led me to buy his book of love poems, so thank you for taking me by the hand and leading me back to him

Elisabeth said...

A little John Donne has appeared chez moi.

Julie said...

This is a wonderful event and thank you for facilitating. I have posted a Robert Frost poem at Cheers and thanks! Julie

Anonymous said...

A little bit late, but I've posted some Wallace Stevens for Brigid on her day at Blogickal.

Tara said...

I'm late commenting, but mine is at

Lene Andersen said...

Just made it and this year, I posted Traherne.

Madge said...

Thank you for once again hosting this lovely event.

I posted my poem yesterday at

Blessed Brigid!

Jonah Dove said...

I posted one today. I can't believe I almost forgot about Brigid in Cyberspace!

Anonymous said...

Taking strong advantage of the fact that the actual date of St. Brigid's day seems to be in dispute (some sources say Feb 1, some say Feb 2, and the one's I'm clinging to today say Feb 3, I've posted my poem:
The Dedication from Through the Looking Glass ...

Anonymous said...

I'd never heard of this, so I'm glad I stumbled on it! Great idea.

Sorry I'm a day late! Well, I hope you don't mind. My poem is up at:

Diana Troldahl said...

I joined in on my blog, having encountered it this year (and last) on Stephanie Pearl-mcPhee's blog

Kylee S. said...

I wish I had known about this sooner. What a fantastic idea.

zippiknits...sometimes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
zippiknits...sometimes said...

I picked up the Feast of Brigit Silent Poetry Day at Not A Plain Jane's blog and at last (!!!!), thrill seeker that I am, I traced it's origins back to yours. Thank you!

I chose On the Sea, by John Keats, in keeping with the an Ocean theme.

aliqot said...

I've just seen this today - what a pity I missed it by two days. Makes a cyber note for next year.

I shall check out a few of the links on here too. As if I didn't spend enough time online. ;-)

Paula said...

spiden@springnet1.comSuch wonderful poems!
I enjoyed reading some of them very much!
I was late getting my poem up, but I posted it on my blog anyway.
It is one of my very favorite Wintery poems by Robert Frost!

Anonymous said...

I love browsing the silent poetry. My contribution can be found at:


R.E. said...

How cool! So sorry I missed it. Hope you will do another. :)

Le Hornet said...

is it over, im a new blogger, but post me when the next one is coming.

bARE-eYED sUN said...

ize in.dig?
and 10q fer da holler.


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...




