Sunday, January 18, 2009

Invitation to The Fourth Annual Brigid in the Blogosphere Poetry Slam

Feel free to copy the following to your blog and spread the word. Let poetry bless the blogosphere once again!

WHAT: A Bloggers (Silent) Poetry Reading

WHEN: Anytime February 2, 2009

WHERE: Your blog

WHY: To celebrate the Feast of Brigid, aka Groundhog Day

HOW: Select a poem you like - by a favorite poet or one of your own - to post February 2nd.

RSVP: If you plan to publish, feel free to leave a comment and link on this post. Last year when the call went out there was more poetry in cyberspace than I could keep track of. So, link to whoever you hear about this from and a mighty web of poetry will be spun.

Feel free to pass this invitation on to any and all bloggers.

Thank you, Reya, for beginning what is now an annual event.


Sunny said...

I'm in.

Moonroot said...

Count me in - I've posted the invitation on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Found you through Moonroot. I will happily join in. Last year was fabulous. I've posted the invite on my blog.

Amusingly, the word verification for today spells the word "conch".

Ambermoggie, a fragrant soul said...

Is it that time already? I'm in again:)

Hecate said...

Oh, I'm definitely in!

mel said...

I'm in...and have linked...

Anonymous said...

I am delighted that I will be able to join in on the fun. Thank you for the invitation, Honey.

Anonymous said...


(I love this event!!)

I will be posting poetry and things on my blog for a goodly chunk of February... it's become my own personal tradition of Imbolc poetry blogging my own and those I find that delight me!


Robert said...

I'm in on this, too. Good reason to update my blog!


poppy m said...

What a brilliant idea. I'm in.

Reya Mellicker said...

You are SO welcome. Four years? Wow.

Anonymous said...

May the poetry begin and may Brigid be pleased
I'm so glad i can join in this year
i have posted the invitation on my new blog

Sue Simpson said...

And I'm in too! Looking forward to it!

Love Sue xxx

Tony R said...

Hi, I'd like to participate. My blog is

Cari said...

I love this, especially since poetry is more on everyone's minds after the inauguration. I'll post at my blog:

Unknown said...

A great idea! I'm in and will add the invitation to my blog. Poetry - word spells.

rhino writer said...

Heard about this through the Yarn Harlot's blog. I'm in!

Dj Connell said...

I look forward to this every year :-)

I'm in. And the link is up at my blog.

Thank you so much for organizing this.

Sia Vogel

P.S. I first heard about this at Anne Hill's blog.

Morning Angel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Morning Angel said...

I will be participating, and I posted the bulletin on my blog. Looking forward to the day.

Peace, Morning Angel

Unknown said...

I have just arrived back in blogger sphere and have just posted my first poem for Brigid and will now post the invitation on my blog.
Thank you all for this lovely poetry orgy!
Brigid blessings to you all

'Zann said...

I'll be posting again! Both an invitation on my blog and a poem on the 2nd.

Medusa said...

I'm planning to participate and your invitation is part of this month's "Buzz Coil" on Medusa Coils.

Anonymous said...

I'll definitely be taking part again this year.

Anonymous said...

I will be posting again this year and have posted the information to my LJ.

Lene Andersen said...

I' so there.

Anonymous said...

I will be posting also.

Anonymous said...

I've posted two poems over at

Pitch's Ocasionally Postmodern Gallimaufry

Broomstick Chronicles said...

I've not blogged for some time, for reasons you know. For Brigit I'm emerging. My poem is up at

Jay Andrew said...

A fabulous thing you have here! Wow. My contribution is at my blog. Blessings to you /|\

Anonymous said...

My poem is up! Blessings to you!!!!

Heather Barfield said...

this is a wonderful idea. i'd love to...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great way to celebrate!

Inanna said...

I'll be there again this year! Blessings for Imbolc.

Jo C. said...

I'm happily participating at

Anonymous said...

Posting from Africa at

Morgan said...

Will do!
Blessed be,

Musings of a Quaker Witch

Anonymous said...

Gah! I almost forgot! I'm in, too :-)

Anonymous said...

Yes, I am definitely in! I posted the invitation on my blog.


Anonymous said...

Well I am doing Lammas here in Australia, but I will play ... in fact I always have this page up on my site; "Poetry especially for Imbolc" - I found you through Medusa Coils.

Anonymous said...

oh and there is this too - made for Imbolc 2008 in the Southern Hemisphere (August):

A. Hiscock said...

I'm in! Here's the post and the invitation (because I am late on that this year, tsk):

Cat C-B (and/or Peter B) said...

My own contribution, poetry by Walt Whitman, is up at Quaker Pagan Reflections.

Mercury Redbone said...

Just posted three recent poems for the day at Manifold Oneness.

Anonymous said...

I'm in -- with Maya Angelou at -- and THANKS for this!


Ellen-Mary said...

I'm in.

Anonymous said...

Yes! Thank you for hosting this yet again.

I'm in with Langston Hughes at

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this creative way of honoring Brighid.
I rarely post on my blog, but you inspired ;)

Whodathunkit: Poetry (Desiderata) and the Superbowl (the Forge that is Steeltown)

Please enjoy!

the ineffable b said...

I'm in!

Anonymous said...

Mine's here:

S. said...

Count me in as well.

happydog said...

Wonderful idea, and thank you for hosting. Mine is posted on my LJ page:

Anonymous said...

Mine is up!

Diptherio said...

Poem for Brigid posted at The Flooks


Thalia said...

I've put several poems up for Brighid at Amused Grace:

Anonymous said...

I have posted mine!

Blessings :)

Anonymous said...

I'm in :O)

Trasie said...

Here's mine: Beatrice of the Cenci

Trasie @ Witch-Ways

Anonymous said...

It's amazing to think it's been four years now. My latest is once again inspired by Bride directly, and you'll know how to find it, dear friend, but for those who don't, here's the direct link:

Poem for Imbolc 2009

Thanks to anyone who heads over to read it, and feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments. I'm now looking forward to some serious web-hopping as I leap from link to link on here, checking out everyone else's contributions to this truly special and, I believe, sacred cyberspace event!

I hope you all had a truly amazing Imbolc. Bride's transformative and creative power truly is, I've found, a rich blessing time and again. x

Anonymous said...

Mine, belated:

Sue said...

Here's mine:

Anonymous said...

I was late but I did it!

McCotta's Blog said...

This is my first time linking. Poem is on first page of my blog. McCotta

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Cari said...

I posted "Catechism for a Witch's Child" along with a remembrance of my daughter who was initiated into womanhood on Brighid's Day. Still trying to figure out this linking thing. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I'm in. Found you because someone on FB reminded me about St. Brigid. Here's my contribution, fwiw.

Also, you may want to try Mr. Linky so that everyone can post their contributions directly on your blogpost.