Sunday, September 02, 2012

sticks and stones

“The Universe is made of stories, not of atoms.”
Muriel Rukeyser

The Universe is made of stories and each story is made of words. And each word itself has a story.  To name a thing is powerful, in itself a story invocation.  And, as in most invocations, we rarely are in control of what comes in and what magic it will work and what story will unfold.

Taking a new name as part of following a spiritual path is nothing new. I would guess it is a cross-cultural experience, an innately human part of trying to give voice and name the experience of expanding consciousness, being reborn, and/or committing to a particular path.

The name I was given at birth, Deborah, I seized back after years of being Debbie. It was in itself a story changer, moving me into adulthood and away from childhood. Only one person remains in my life who calls me “Debbie”, the very person who named me Deborah; my mother. Can you sense the story behind that?

There have been three other names I have gained in this lifetime, all though initiatory processes. The first, Oak, I received at my initiation into Reclaiming. Some people drop their old name completely after this initiation, some, like me, use their magical name in Pagan circles and keep their “given” name, and others just continue to go by their given name publicly and keep their magical name private.

The other two names  I received at my Feri initiations. These names are meant to remain only known amongst Feri initiates. Feri is a tradition that works with the power/magic of naming things and keeping the names close.  Most people only have one Feri initiation; I have the strange story of having two. This is a story best left for another day, but the gist of the matter is that initiation two was an important redo of initiation one, which was rather traumatizing.

And part of this, as I look back, was the name. It has been there, working itself out through the years, right behind the Oak. Oak has helped me stay grounded in what matters to me and been a mighty protection during some frightful storms. The other name came in flash, pulled not so much from the Divine as from my unconscious, although one can argue they are one and the same. But the feel between receiving Oak and Rhiannon was vastly different.  All names, I suppose, are both blessing and curse. And sometimes, a name, like Debbie and Rhiannon,  has to be let go of.

Yep, I said it. I am releasing the power of Rhiannon. I have been trying to do that for ten years or so, but keeping it secret, it did hold power. Now, publicly I announce it is no longer mine. And anyways, who needs two Feri names? The other will remain, working it’s own story, holding its power, mixing with Oak and Deborah into a potent but less painful blend.

Rhiannon was mighty, but she got wrongly accused of killing her baby and had to carry her community on her back like a horse for punishment. As I was mulling about this name this week,  I received an e-mail this week from George Franklin of the Reclaiming Quarterly. In it he justified  my long time column not  being on the Reclaiming archive site because of the history of complaints from California organizers.  Once again I was accused of focusing on personal grievances in my column, and chastised for being a destructive force.

Thank Goddess I had just re-read them, or I might have some self-doubt about eating that baby. Re-reading them, they seem rather tame. 

I did not eat my baby.   And I’m letting that story go for good, in hope that this story has no charge now between the worlds, that it can’t operate in the unconscious of the collective/community. George  also said that the format of the website is getting changed - not because of my complaint - and eventually all the back issues will be available in their entirety, which will include my column. He made it clear if he had it his way, I'd still be written out of history. However, it appears the story is beginning to change. 

Yes, it is. 

I can feel a shift even as I write this. There’s much more to write about the power of names. But this is enough naming and story for now.

Who knows what stories are working us behind the scenes in magical communities with hidden names? How has your name impacted your story?

Sticks and stones might break bones,
but names can change our story.


Chevaliermalfait said...

there are those who did not condescend to be carried by Rhiannon, and She was finally vindicated and her accusers decidely dealt with. So perhaps that story is still to unfold.
My 'secret name' was given me long before any initiation, and is only known between myself and my gods. It mingles with the story of Rhiannon, one I know oh so very well. It also mingles with my given name by which I am known in all circles. It is no less magical and powerful.

deborahoak said...

Thank you, several important points! Yes, this story in still unfolding. I realized recently that I had tried to let go of the name at my second Feri initiation, but the secrecy of it - and denial of it - made it all the more potent. By letting it out, I feel myself moving into next chapters.

And.. you are so right, our given names are also "magical".. of course they are! This is why I could not let go of Deborah - and over years my name in many places has morphed into Deborah Oak.

Our stories mingle - some we are conscious of, some not. I bring Rhiannon into the collective consciousness - knowing that in the telling, the story changes.

Pitch313 said...

A good deal--too much?!?--of Craft goings on include other folks making rules and judgments about my (or somebody else's) interactions with Deities, Guardians, Powers, Spirits, and Energies valued by a group or Trad. But, I sensed, accepting such rules and judgments gave power over to those making them--and taking power away from me in relationship with Deities and all.

So I am, I suppose, a badly behaving Craft practitioner of Trads I hold dear, including Feri.

On archives: Who wants a Craft Trad where the apparatchiki and commissars hold any power over history or speaking Truth To Power? Criticism rooted in Truth is supposed to make the wrong hearted and misbehaving itch, squirm, and shrink away!

Baruch said...

Pitch313 whoever you are, my hat is off to you. Deborah Oak I cherish your liberation!