Thursday, March 19, 2009

California Marriage and Family Therapist for Marriage Equality

In the summer of 1986 , while attending Reclaiming’s first summer intensive,  I called home and received  news that I had passed my licensing exam.  From that moment on,  I have been a licensed marriage and family therapist in California.  For years before that moment, as a registered intern, and for every year since, I have annually sent checks of a couple hundred dollars off to CAMFT, the California association that represents those of us in my profession.


Several weeks ago I found out that CAMFT is NOT representing me, or any other GLBT therapist in the state.  The CAMFT board members have refused for months to take a stand for marriage equality.  All the other major associations representing mental health workers have public statements regarding the importance of marriage equality and see homophobia as an important issue that effects mental health.


Because, it does. 


I am a marriage and family therapist who’s own marriage is in jeopardy of becoming legally invalid.  I work up close and personal with couples, all kinds of couples. Gay, lesbian and queer couples are no less loving, dysfunctional, loyal, short or long lasting than straight ones. Why should anyone be barred from being legally hitched if they want to take that leap?  And even for those who don’t believe in marriage or would never choose to marry, being denied the same rights as other folks is something that affects identity and self esteem. There's plenty of studies that have shown this. Discrimination is not emotionally healthy.


I’m proud that my alma mater, Antioch college, has issued a public statement regarding CAMFT’s refusal to join other associations representing my profession in doing the right thing.  This weekend, one of my colleagues from my association of GLBT therapists, GAYLESTA, will be presenting the case , yet again, to the CAMFT board, on why we need CAMFT to stand up for marriage equality and against homophobia.


Hopefully, this weekend the board will do the right thing.  Being spring equinox, I’m hoping that the spirit of balance, fairness, and justice is contagious.


Homophobia is something we therapists need to treat, not perpetuate.


Marriage & Family Therapist said...

Discrimination is not emotionally healthy. Gay, lesbian and queer couples are no less loving, dysfunctional, loyal, short or long lasting than straight ones. Why should anyone be barred from being legally hitched if they want to take that leap? In such cases one should definately visit Marriage & Family Therapist (MFT).

peter said...

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標題: [認真] 日本秋葉原 情趣用品店參觀心得
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