Wednesday, November 05, 2008

you may say I'm a dreamer

but, I'm not the only one.

This morning I woke to my new spouse (we married on Sunday) crying
beside me. She'd woken up, checked the news, and discovered that
proposition 8 here in California had passed....which bans gay
marriage. Last week, this city was full not only of the Samhain dead,
but full of gay weddings. It has been legal here for the last couple
of months. Today that has changed.

Last night we cried in joy and intense gratitude. The streets of San
Francisco were full of happy crying people. The election was not
stolen, and America woke up.

I am still exhilarated, still full of gratitude. And, full of resolve.

I know that in my lifetime there will be full civil rights for gay and
lesbians in this country. I can fully imagine it.

I cried too, this morning. But in my tears
there was joy. The tide has turned. Barack Obama included gays in his speech
last night.

Anything can happen if we imagine it.

Today....I am thanking all the dreamers who have ever dared to imagine.

Thank you.


Aquila ka Hecate said...

I don't know what to say.
So many congrats on getting the extraordinary Obama elected as president,so many congrats on getting marries, and then again, so much commiseration at having your civil rights taken away again...yes, I think you'll get them back, too.

Terri in Joburg

Linda W said...

Thank you for your thoughtful post. I, too, am excited for Obama, sad for Prop 8. You helped me see a bigger picture. Again, thank you.

Anonymous said...

Yes. When he said "gay or straight" about 15 seconds into his speech, I was heartened. We'll win civil rights for all eventually. The game is not over.

Love to you all.

And check out the youtube videos of people dancing in Ghana, singing songs for Obama. Gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Yes, there is no stopping the emerging Cultures of Beauty, Balance and Delight. We will taste the delicious fruits of healing change soon. Queer folks will yet sing and dance at their own weddings. We will be of equal status with all whole declare themselves to be wives and/or husbands.

Bless the Bees!

Baruch said...

I was also moved and gratified to hear "us" queers mentioned in Obama's speech last night. Despite Prop 8, we shall overcome, not as a minority but as part of the fabric of the whole. More and more people in this country are turning away from bigotry and fear. Obama's election is proof of that.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for voicing hope, and for not giving into any bitterness. I did, at least a little, in my own post on the prop 8 and amendment 2 (Florida)... but I am determined to see Gay marriage, or something like in in my and my partners lifetimes.

Are there any sites/lists that are actively discussing how to bring this dream about?


Pitch313 said...

It's a disappointing result from a state that is generally more progressive, and certainly went that way in this election.

I suppose that with the correct agit prop goads, voters can be herded to go a certain direction on a particular initiative.

I, incidentally, loathe these intitiatives in which voting "Yes" means "No," and vice versa.

At least we may have an inkling of which way the winds are blowing...towards greater freedom and tolerance...

Sharon Jackson said...

How devastating for you to have this right taken away. I cannot imagine how it must feel. But know that you have plenty of allies and one day, this will be returned to you. In the meantime, everyone, come to Canada!

Anonymous said...

You got married? Wow. Congrats to both of you, and every blessing for a bright and powerful future together. Help shape your nation! I know you will, and already do. x