Friday, August 08, 2008

One world, one dream.

The slogan for this year’s Olympics is “One World, One Dream”. A perfect slogan, a perfect spell for us to invoke.

The Olympics seize our imagination in that they are a direct tie to the old gods. The Olympics are also a coming together of humans in our divine bodies...taking those bodies - from all the countries of the globe - to their limits, and celebrating what we humans are capable of. Hercules is said to have been the founder of the games, and one of the stated purposes of the games is to promote global unity and “sound minds in sound bodies”.

They have historically also held a foreshadowing of things to come and/or mirror what is happening on our planet. Think of the 1968 games or the games that were held in Germany before the holocaust. Think of Munich. The Olympics serve to bring the world’s attention together and into focus. There’s a kind of magic in the choice of the city that will be the focus of that attention at what time.

At the Olympics, the whole world….or at least a heck of a lot of it…actually IS watching.

These games are held in Beijing. They are in a polluted city in a country strong with economic clout and record wreckage of the environment. And countless human rights violations. I am imagining and I am invoking that as the world focuses in on the games, we as a world begin to truly dream together.

This is a time to actively dream and envision what we want the future to look like.

I have dear friends who are in Beijing working energy and planning actions to invoke the dream of a free Tibet becoming a waking reality. I dream that they are successful and unharmed. I dream a free Tibet. I dream all rivers in the world running as clean and clear as the pure air we all are breathing. I dream we as a species begin to truly value sound minds in sound bodies. I dream we wake up.

One World. One Dream.

What are you adding to the dream?


Anonymous said...

I am dreaming of a species daring to live lives fully aware, awake, and alive. I am dreaming that the Cultures of Beauty, Balance and Delight have fully emerged and are thriving throughout planet Earth. I am dreaming that human beings have finally learned the magics of know when enough is enough. I am dreaming that Homo sapiens sapiens have found their place of blessing in the Halls of the Multiverse.

Bless the Bees!

suparnovajuice said...

There is a "global handshake" being sent round the world with a message of principled dialogue through a major advertising and media campaign before the Olympic closing ceremonies in Beijing take place. To join the handshake go to:

Will x

Anonymous said...

Here's a really cool take on some Tibetan Buddhist magic from a friend:

He calls on us to make offerings as a way to ask the Earth to Witness.

Beth Owl's Daughter said...

Thanks for this, Oak. I have posted it on my blog for today as well. Your words are powerful and inspiring!

And thanks for the global handshake, will. Very cool!

May we join hands of peace and healing. Blessings,
- Beth

Aquila ka Hecate said...

I love your dreams.

My own are more apocalyptic, startimg as they do with the demise of civilisation.

I've looked at it from many sides now and I can't see any other way than that we dismantle globally and rebuild locally.
I wish I was wrong.

Terri in Joburg

Anonymous said...

Can a witch say amen to that? Oh what the heck - amen! >;-)

genexs said...


Nice to know I'm not the only one seeing Hermes, Apollo, Athina, and Artemis jumping around the place. :)

Kat said...

Wow Oak, I love this post.
