Unseen Buds
UNSEEN buds, infinite, hidden well,
Under the snow and ice, under the darkness, in every square or cubic
Germinal, exquisite, in delicate lace, microscopic, unborn,
Like babes in wombs, latent, folded, compact, sleeping;
Billions of billions, and trillions of trillions of them waiting,
(On earth and in the sea - the universe - the stars there in the
Urging slowly, surely forward, forming endless,
And waiting ever more, forever more behind.
Walt Whitman
Follow the comments on this blog to more poetry or the many many comments and links on the original invite. Thank you to all who participate. Thank you to the poets. And thank you, miraculous earth who holds the unseen buds and births spring out of winter.

Deborah, this one's for you
Hi Deborah, I am joining in the poetry-fest too! I have posted my favourite poem on my blog just now! :-)
Leanne x
I posted mine! (Found you through Reya. :) )
mine is up, words my own for this glorious day:)
amber in england
Two of my own here !
Big, bodacious hugs to you, Oak! And the Blessings of Brighid to one and all!
Beth Owl in North Carolina
Unseen buds... infinite... love this poem.
I looked at a lot of poems this week--hope you like the one I posted for you.
Good morning, sweetie!
Mine's up at
and I love you bunches.
The student council here at the Uni chose Whitman also.
This was a wonderful idea. to spend the day reading poetry.
My eulogy for Marsha Delaney starts with her poem "Telling Death his Business", which she wrote thirty-odd years ago after being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.
What a perfect poem. Unknowing, I also picked a poem about buds, this one by Galway Kinnell. Blessed Imbolc to all!
Mine is up as well:
That Whitman poem is perfect, indeed.
I have also shared some poetry with winter themes...
It is here on my blog.
Via Barbara I was reminded of today.
Deborah, I'm so pleased to post and to spread the word. Here's my offering:
Mine is up - Thank you so much for doing this :-)
Sia Vogel
Full Circle
The Pagan Voting Project
spiral Steps
I've posted a poem. Thanks for the invitation!
I do so like the feel of "Unseen Buds"! New to me...nice!
I *think* this is the first time I've found the silent poetry reading. Will be sure to look for it again next year, now that I know where you are.
And so happy that you liked "Vision Stalker"! :)
Reading Whitman always opens my heart. Thank you.
here's an old classic, but still relevant
Deborah, You got us all going and I have posted mine.
Mine is up.
Thanks for "Unseen Buds". I was looking through Leaves of Grass this morning too.
Brigid blessings, Oak! My offerings are up. (I was actually surprised to realize that for the last couple of years, my only posts were for Brigid--must do better!)
See you next week.
Mine's up, too, at Broomstick Chronicles.
My poem's up, too. One of my own...
Thanks so much for inspiring me to find this short yet wonderful love poem again
what a perfect poem for the day!! I couldn't settle on one....
thanks for helping make the blogosphere such a wonderful place to explore today. and to discover all these wonderful new (to me) blogs (people) out there. what a beautiful web we weave.
bises! mouse
This is so fun! Yippee. (Found you through moonroot in Wales...tho I'm more neighborly, up in yonder Sonoma County!! Love this inter-net.)
Expect Nothing
Expect nothing. Live frugally
On surprise.
become a stranger
To need of pity
Or, if compassion be freely
Given out
Take only enough
Stop short of urge to plead
Then purge away the need.
Wish for nothing larger
Than your own small heart
Or greater than a star;
Tame wild disappointment
With caress unmoved and cold
Make of it a parka
For your soul.
Discover the reason why
So tiny human midget
Exists at all
So scared unwise
But expect nothing. Live frugally
On surprise.
Joining the party a bit late, but made it. Found this fascinating soiree via Reya's blog. As I commented on hers:
Posted a bit of verbal dada written in 2001, under the influence of a rather intense winter flu and whatever over-the-counter medication that must've been available at the time. But it's the thought that counts.
Here's my contribution. Always has to be Mary Oliver
Happy Imbolc! I hate that I'm not doing any rituals this weekend cause I'm sick at home. Ah well. Some quiet healing time is also appropriate
Mine is up too. What fun!
Here is mine!
Mine is up too!
Dennis posted a poem for you!
Wonderful poem. Thank you for sharing it.
Mine (a little late) is at:
Hi there,
I stumbled upon your lovely blog a bit ago, thought I'd join the party!
(scroll down a bit for the poetry entry)...
Bright blessings in the storm,
k. sequoia
Wonderful. For a rambler, Uncle Walt is always remarkably on point ;-)
I might have left my URL at the original call, but if not mine's at:
Thank you for this lovely poem and for the wonderful poetry web you have encouraged us all to weave. I am taking my own advice and reading the poems slowly - possibly over many moons.... Wyldearth
I have an Imbolc Ritual to honor Brigid on www.goddessdownload.com
Let us pray to Brigid for cleansing, renewal and purification. Hail lady of white...Hail Goddess of Healing...Hail She of the well of reflection.
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