Tuesday, May 01, 2007

May Day, May Day!!!!

It's Beltane, and I am in the West Village in New York City. The air is thrumming with life and
everywhere there are tulips, hyacinths, and blooming dogwoods. Soon I will be priestessing a ritual for a friend who has for many years tended the dead and the dying. She was chaplain on the burn unit in the hospital closest to ground zero on that day that still reverberates throughout this city. She had one initiation years back into the Craft that focused on death and rebirth but was long on death, short on rebirth. For too long she's had one hand thru the veil, helping others pass. It has taken a toll.

Today, the focus is on life, on that green fuse that runs thru the flower, that runs thru everything. Today, I've asked her to put her hand on the pole and feel the power as the ribbons wind, that vibration of the joy of connection, the current in the colorful tangle and pattern of life.

Here in New York City, the earth is alive. Death is a current that can be felt, and everywhere there are signs of its power. There is a corner nearby where there is a wire fence completely covered in painted tiles dedicated to the dead of September 11th. Today a conceptual artist, Adrian Piper, has hundreds of people moving around the city with the words "everything will be taken away" written backwards on their foreheads in henna. They will leave it there until it fades.

Everything will be taken away. Yes, that is true. But on Beltane, on May 1st, the earth shouts, whispers, and yodels that relentlessly and consistently there is rebirth. Life's power and beauty is on full display and parade. Today, we bloom. And it feels good.


Beth Owl's Daughter said...

Oh, Oak! I feel like you are so nearby! I wish you could "pop down" to Durham, North Carolina.

May the Lady bless your rites with your friend, and fill both your hearts with the Green, the joy and the renewal of Life. Just as inevitable as the much ballyhooed death and taxes, you know!

Beltane Blessings,
- Beth

genexs said...

Welcome to NY. :) Went to a wonderful Beltane festival near New Paltz, NY, at the Center for Symbolic Studies. It was great. Also celebrating with my group on Thursday.

Hail the Queen of the May!


Hecate said...

Blessed Beltane. The blessings of the Goddess upon your friend.

Patty said...

Blessed Beltane to you.

Reya Mellicker said...

Hoping the weather is as spectacular in NYC as it is here in DC. Happiest Beltaine! Summer is here and the life force is buzzing! Hope you're having a wonderful time.

Aquila ka Hecate said...

You know, one of the wonderful things about the internet is the sense of connection it engenders.

Over here, we're preparing to celebrate Samhain (some of us have already done so but in my house we go with the Old-Style date ), yet I get to experience the joys of Beltain vicariously.

I can rejoice with you all, while greeting the mass of ancestors who turn up here annually for their dumb supper!

Terri in Joburg

Anonymous said...

I went to Hastings, England Jack in the Green Festival yesterday..a 3 day event...on the third day the greening begins, green men and a host of other characters, parade thr. Hastings, greening people (green paint on peoples noses!) May Poles, all the shops display green branches etc., in the shop fronts... We end up at the old ruined castle where morris dancing takes place....and after the huge green man who is Jack in the Green is slain so summer (sun king) is released...
May energy is lingering a lot this year!!!! ann -england