Wednesday, September 21, 2005

interesting times

Tomorrow is the equinox, that most unusual time of balance, where for one brief day, dark and light are in equal measure. Then darkness slowly claims it’s reign. Already, I can feel that pull downwards. I kept getting the image today of standing in front of a door that leads down to a basement. I’m savoring this moment before we step thru the door, loving the last of the summer’s light. Darkness will come, soon enough.

I’ve had five calls since Monday from old clients who want to come back to therapy. None of the calls involved tragedy or loss, all seem to be coming from an urgency to get back to work, a need to attend again to old patterns and demons that have been rearing their head. They are ready to go down to the basement. There's a big work bench down there, I just know it! It seems we are entering a time for attending to and dealing with what needs repair. And there’s a general sense right now to take care of business, that something is coming. Or perhaps it's already come and we''ve just begun to notice.

Somewhere off the coast of Texas, another powerful hurricane is gathering strength. My housemate Ilyse’s family in Houston have twelve people on the way to stay with them who are evacuating from Galveston. Here in San Francisco, it seems everyone is busy preparing for a possible earthquake.

This equinox I’m filled with an exquisite tenderness, noticing and appreciating life as it is now, knowing it will rapidly be changing in ways I can’t foresee or imagine. I’m sensing how this very moment in time we stand at some portal of balance between past and future. This moment, the present, is alive with portent. When I'm not feeling in awe, I’m alternately feeling blessed and cursed for living in such interesting times. And I'm breathing into the meditation of balance - of my exhale equaling my inhale, love equaling fear, giving equaling taking, and gentleness equaling fierceness. What an incredible place this is, this green earth!


Reya Mellicker said...

I doused myself with "Balance" essential oil this morning. Thanks for the equal inhale/exhale. That's a great idea which also reminds me to breathe.


p.s. Components of Balance, according to Mikael Zayat, (the guy who mixes the essential oil): Black Spruce, Canadian Tsuga, Blue Tansy, and Frankincense. Smells delicious.

Patty said...

I like your thoughts of standing in a doorway leading to a basement.I had never thought of the change of seasons in that way. The lovely thing about the darkness is knowing light will come again.
Great blog.