Last night, just after sunset, as the newly full moon began to glow, my friend Jeremy Paster crossed over. Crows surrounded the house a half hour or so before, cawing and calling out. I have no doubt they assisted in his spirit finding wings to leave.
Jeremy had been battling cancer for the last year and a half with all the loving energy any person could summon. I continue to have trouble with the whole "warrior" term, feeling uncomfortable with the war part that it invokes and I find myself struggling to find the right term to describe my friend. Jeremy was fiercely gentle, sturdily peaceful, and stalwart in summoning compassion in the hardest of circumstances. I met Jeremy in the course of organizing for the action in Seattle around the WTO. In the maelstorm that Seattle became, Jeremy was a touchstone of calmness.
Before being diagnosed with cancer, he had worked on many, many, many fronts imagining and taking action to create a world where love is the law. He ran medicine to the Karen people in Burma, worked to help the U'Wa in Ecuador fight big oil, and softened loggers anger as he strove to save ancient forests in Alaska, all the while weaving together a community of people who loved and admired him.
It's time to create a new word to describe those like Jeremy. "Loveior" or "Fierce Mystic"? I don't know, but I'm feeling strongly we need new language. "Warrior" and 'battling" and "fighting".....these aren't words that describe Jeremy and the energy he put to his actions. He didn't really work "against" anything, but had the ability to work in service of the life force in a way that stood out amongst our activist friends. He put his shoulder to the task of loving this earth with a verve that will rarely be matched. His dying had so much life force and love force in it that it is hard to believe he is really gone. Diagnosed with cancer, he created a foundation - Healing the Roots - which will aid and assist other activists who fall ill or are injured.
A month ago, I sat crying as I watched Jeremy walk to the podium at the Rainforest Action Award Dinner to receive a lifetime achievement award. Receiving the award in person was a testament not only to Jeremy's achievements, but to our community's skill at doing direct action mixed with magic. Jeremy had been "broken out" of the hospital. It was a 45 minute tight caper to get out and back without being missed. Surgery on his spine had happened on Tuesday, and he received the award Thursday night. All of the audience knew we were witnessing a miracle.
Two weeks ago, we gathered around him for what he termed a "living wake". He wanted to hear what we had to say about him while he was alive and he wanted to assure us all that we'd still be connected, that his spirit had no intention of dying. He summoned the strength to be there and to give us comfort even as we were grieving. We called in the names of those we loved on the other side and asked them to prepare to greet Jeremy when he crossed over. The air thickened, and I trust that Jeremy is now being feted by all those who came close two weeks ago. Jeremy said he would communicate to us in dreamtime, and that already is proving to be true.
Today I spent the afternoon at a houseboat in Sausalito with Jeremy's wife, mother, and other assorted family and friends. More than one recounted a powerful dream involving Jeremy that had come to them this week. The messages were all similar. He is alright with dying and wants us to know that. He will be helping us from the other side. The stories flowed today, and they will keep flowing. There was laughter, and of course there were tears. Above all else, there was gratitude.
Some are calling him a mighty warrior. All of us who knew him understand that he was a mighty agent of change. Someday the right word might emerge, one that describes the energetic akido master that he was and still continues to be. Maybe he'll even whisper it to one of us in our dreams.
What is remembered lives.
Long live Jeremy Paster.
Thank you for a beautiful tribute to Jeremy. I am a friend of Sherrys and have known her for over 27 years. I remember Jeremy when he was in his wild, rebellious youth. Now, his strength, wisdom and love will carry within all who have been privileged to have known him.
With love,
Cyndy Jordan
Dear Oak,
Your post is truly a gift. Manageing to touch in this medium ~ internet ~ which I have found distanced and at times confusing medium to communicate and reach community ~ communion.
Jeremy sounds a wonderful person and your post moves beyond my limited mind when you write about someone passing over ~ though an ending still is part of life and he is no longer in his body.
His friends gathering to share before he died is truly profound.
I would also like to share that I find your point on not focusing on the 'against' ~ the negative as so helpful and life affirming.
I feel sadness when I read the post that this person is no longer sharing life with you and others. But I see that he truly lived and is still alive.
Truly moved.
Oak, this is beautiful, and my tears flow for a man I never knew. My blog today (Sunday) was inspired by what you have shared with us.
I, too, can't get comfortable w/ the use of the term "warrior." Active Lover is more to my taste.
May the Goddess guard your friend. May he find his way to the Summerlands. May his friends and family know peace.
Goodbye, Jeremy.
Your life too brief,
a life lived beautifully,
you have been an inspiration to many . . . many who forever will hold your memory with great affection and admiration in deeply saddened but grateful hearts.
Wondering where you are now . . .
surely you are spreading Love and Hope.
Thank you, gentle one, for the time you spent so well on this planet where you were born.
We love you. We will miss you.
Thank you for this lovely post, Deborah. I'll echo your closing:
What is remembered lives.
Long live Jeremy!
What a beautiful tribute. Jeremy must have been an amazing person. Sending you love.
Beautiful tribute, Oak! Thanks. I'm glad Jeremy had you and others to ease his crossing, I'm glad you had the privilege of doing so. In love may he return again.
I want to find a better term than warrior, too.
He does sound like a wonderful person-thank you for sharing him with us, even if at one remove.
I fully trust that my Pied Crows will be there to accompany my own passing.
Terri in Joburg
Dear One, I could not have written words of love for my son better than you have done here. Jeremy brought so much love into my own heart and life and so many friends, communities, adventures. I am in the new pain of losing his physical self and, yet, feel strongly that the spiritual lessons I am learning will be my healing. Jeremy has taught me that grace and courage go much farther than anger and pride; that love does heal; that community is our path to salvation; that I am a very lucky woman to have been the vessel through which Jeremy chose to enter this planet.
Love, Sherry "Mama Bear" Galloway
Hi Deborah,
This was beautiful and I love the picture that you found of Jeremy to go with it! How perfect!
I actually disagree about Jeremy as warrior though. Like the word "witch" I think we need to take back what it means to be a warrior. Remake the word (I'm trying to refrain from saying "reclaim").
Jeremy himself used this word to describe his role in the world.
To me a warrior is someone who fiercely defends and protects that which they love. I am grateful for the warriors in my life, for their fierce and unswerving love and protection.
I am grateful to have known the warrior love that was Jeremy's...
Beloved Oak;
I'm sorry for the passing of your friend. Regardless of our beliefs about where our loved ones go when they die, it's hard to say good-bye; it's hard to not have them in the world. I'm grateful for your integrity and honoring in the world.
Love Shakti
Wow. I came across your blog looking for articles on Jeremy.
That was a beautiful read - accurate depiction of Jeremy, indeed.
I am so glad he was surrounded by much love when he passed.
He is a kind soul - who clearly attracted other kind souls.
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