A very Merry christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
War is over, if you want it
War is over now.
I can’t get these words out of my head. Tonight is 12th night, and Solstice, Christmas and New Year's Eve are several steps back. But the song remains. It came on the radio as I drove to my sister’s house on Christmas day and then my girlfriend’s band was asked to play it at midnight at the big Code Pink New Year’s party. Both times hearing it, I found myself surprised by a choke in the throat and the welling up of tears. What is it about these words that elicit such a strong response, and that won’t leave me? It’s got to be more than menopause.
I’ve been thinking about John Lennon and his song “Imagine” almost daily since right before Samhain. At that time, there was the usual repeating kerfluffle on a Reclaiming community list about
Trying to openly talk about
“do what witches do best. Imagine. Visualize.... Imagine everyone involved with California Camp feeling proud of transitioning into a consensus based camp, one with rotating roles of leadership, and responsive and accountable to the local community. Imagine Califonia Camp being part of the greater spokes, it's structure and actions mirroring the principles of unity.. Imagine the individual organizer being lauded for the particular skills and knowledge she's possessed and her sharing these skills and knowledge with others not feeling she is losing, but is gaining. Imagine pride and joy. Imagine excitement at change, and doors opening, and old resentments and grudges being whisked away with winds of change. Imagine those of us who've been bitching, whining, and otherwise haranguing for things to change these long years, especially those of us who've been barred from teaching at California, arriving at camp with others who've been participating in the camp for these long years. Imagine us smiling and getting along, not only being on the same team, but FEELING we are on the same team. Imagine this revitalizing not only the local community, but the peacemaking and good magic this would engender flowing out to the greater Reclaiming and the world itself.”
Immediately, the shit storm began. I was accused of doing nonconsensual magic, and my ethics were called into question. To imagine this conflict working out was lacking integrity. To be involved in fighting…to keep arguing the same old tired points, that’s one thing. But to imagine resolution, and to suggest that others do it too, well, that was considered coercive magic of the worst kind.
The week or two after my post, the potency of John Lennon’s song really became clear to me. Imagining is truly the most powerful thing we can do. As witches, we imagine all the time, manipulating the outer landscape by our inner imaginings. Imagining is one thing, asking others to join in on the imagining, that’s stirring up the cauldron of consensual reality. Imagining is just as important as taking action. Asking others to imagine, is taking perhaps the most important action. Imagining the overculture changing and asking others to imagine it as well is part of Reclaiming culture. Somehow that's considered positive and healing magic, while doing the same to our own culture and community these seasoned Reclaiming priestesses considered manipulative and "nonconsensual". Maybe it is....but how different is that from the countless spells we Reclaiming witches have thrown out into the world? Imagining the things we want globally happening on a local level makes sense to me. Is there a better place to start?
I also realized it is past time now to stop bitching, whining, and haranguing. Trying to muscle a resolution is fruitless with those who can't and won't imagine it. Amidst the few (but powerful) accusations of bad and unethical magic, I got many private posts from those outside the conflict all saying essentially the same thing. They were also imagining; imagining peace, imagining those who’ve been in conflict now on the same team, imaging the fractious Bay Area community as a harmonious one. This imagining the conflict resolved and asking others to do so is much more powerful than continuing to engage in conflict. For conflict to be resolved peacefully, both parties need to be willing to want it to be. Imagining is infectious. The thought form of a California camp with a transparent process, run in accordance to our principles of unity is spreading. It’s a matter of time until this happens. I can imagine it. I want it. And more and more of the Reclaiming community does too, local and otherwise. It won't happen by fighting, or arguing, or some dreaded mediation session. It will happen because we get beyond the tipping point, and the wave of imagining this done washes over everything, and infuses even the hardest of hearts.
War is over, if we want it. I’m choosing to believe that’s true. I’m imagining that it is true. Do we want war to be over? Really over? There are so many small wars I’ve engaged in, so many battles I’ve actually enjoyed. It’s a heck of a lot of work to let go of war, to not get off on the adrenaline rush of conflict. Conflict is inevitable, it's the irritation that makes the pearl. Not killing people, that's important, but so is letting go of the addictive belief there has to be an enemy, a right and a wrong.
My aunt died today. She and my mother had a lifelong war, a war I think they actually got a kick out of. It’s over now, whether they want it or not. No wonder that song has been in my mind. No wonder it makes me cry. War is over, if you want it.
I do.
Thank you, John Lennon.
I am sorry to hear about your Aunt, may she have peace in the after life
May the Goddess guard your Aunt. May she find her way to the Summerlands. May her friends and family know peace.
I love the song Imagine - it always brings a tear to my eye (even before menopause).
I'm sorry to hear about your aunt. May she rest in peace.
Good luck imagining the end of war whether it takes the form of armed conflict or is reflected in the many small conflicts that all groups of people encounter. Good luck. It seems to be part of human nature, and must surely serve some purpose.
Thinking of you with love.
myths we tell ourselves in the winter months. oak i am not sure that other camps run by groups all run according to the p.o.u. I do agree with you on the running of cali camp. I remember being at avalon camp and being told 'we have just had a meeting and we decided that you cannot share a room with -----as we all want equal relationships with the teachers'
Grove taught a consensus workshop and at the end of it - they all agreed i could come back to the camp org. group. However next time i saw them after a demo...they ran screaming over 4 lanes of busy traffic to get away from me. Heck I never knew I was so scary!!!! Then I was told that I was not thrown out of Avalon camp but I had shunned them!!!!
So even with p.o.u. and with consensus some camp org. people are just unhealthy......
hope the funeral of your aunt brings a closure to the family rows..... x
My heartfelt condolences for your loss, may your family find healing and your Aunt cross over into the loving arms of the Mother.
Your description of the seemingly impossible conflicts at the heart of Cali camp remind me of a quote from Buckminster Fuller:
"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."
ps - Happy Elvis' Birthday
I choke up at Imagine, and I never even lived at the same time as John Lennon.
Ah california that Amazon Queen the royal bench mark American states. How I miss you in the siberia of the bible belt. For 16 years you have been utopian vision a dream of people how actually are educated, a world of ethnic diversity in which people are curious of other cultures instead of viewing them as future Jesus converts or future casualties in kill ratio count in a Armaggedon war of the future. People who sneer at a liberal while being unable to spell the world. I was born and educated in California that queen of places.
Blessings for your aunt's passing, Oak. Maybe by dying she left you this valuable insight as a parting gift. If you carry it forward and make good magick with it, you've opened another connection with the ancestors.
Over here on the opposite coast, I've had no contact with California camp, so I really can't say anything about it. But having done a path with you I've felt what a wonderful human being you are, so naturally I'm biased toward your point of view. The California argument is kind of abstract to me, but I have shared deep emotions with you and hugged you in my arms. :)
Also, as a SpiralHeart organizer I feel our experience may be directly relevant to exactly your problem.
SpiralHeart has recently opened up the camp org process and made it transparent to all Witches. I'm seeing real participatory democracy in action and it's beautiful. Now we have many more hands showing up to pitch in with the work. Way I see it, SpiralHeart has really begun modeling the PoU, has brought the potential new society to birth which was "imagined" in the PoU.
I forsee this transparent, democratic model of Witchcamp catching on with the other camps. Dandelion should be quite interesting this year...
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