Thursday, January 25, 2007

Second Annual Brigid in Cyberspace Poetry Reading

WHAT: A Bloggers (Silent) Poetry Reading

WHEN: Anytime February 2, 2007

WHERE: Your blog

WHY: To celebrate the Feast of Brigid, aka Groundhog Day

HOW: Select a poem you like - by a favorite poet or one of your own - to post February 2nd.

RSVP: If you plan to publish, feel free to leave a comment and link on this post. Last year Reya put out the call and there was more poetry in cyberspace than she could keep track of. So, link to whoever you hear about this from and a mighty web of poetry will be spun.

Feel free to pass this invitation on to any and all bloggers.

Thank you, Reya, for beginning what I hope is now an annual event.


Reya Mellicker said...

I salute you! I'm in, of course, and I'll spread the news too! Yay!!

Anonymous said...

I'm in!

Hecate said...

I post a lot of poetry. I'm definitely in for this. I wore a t=shirt to the march today that says "White magic is poetry. Black magic is anything that actually works." Which is true, but, of course, poetry works, too.

Anonymous said...

I'll be there...don't know if original comment came in....k

Anonymous said...

Sweet. All over it.

Anonymous said...

I will take part. I was alerted to this by Macha.

Anonymous said...

I'm in too, beautiful idea

Anonymous said...

I'll be posting

Anne said...

It's on the blog, sugar!

Anonymous said...

Count me in, too, please!

Deborah said...

I'm in.

Anonymous said...

I'll be there!

Anonymous said...

I'm in!

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't miss a poetry reading.

Anonymous said...

This is totally ironic. I must be channeling poets and poetry tonight, because I just drafted the blog I'm going to post tomorrow. I chose as my subject my favorite poem. And now, three or four hours later, I stumble across this. What are the chances?? Well, count me in!

Anonymous said...

Great fun! I'm in.

Anonymous said...

I'm in! My post is all ready to go tomorrow morning....

Anonymous said...

I won't get home from work to join in until tomorrow afternoon, but this is an awesome idea!

Anonymous said...

My post just went up. Thanks for doing this again.

Anonymous said...

I posted this morning -- can't wait to read around the Internet today!

Anonymous said...

Mine went up this morning. Thanks so much for doing this!

Anonymous said...

I'm in

Greeley said...

I posted at



Anonymous said...

I've loved this poem for 30 years.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant. I've posted mine and now am reading away the hours.

Anonymous said...

I loved participating last year so I'm in again this year. My post is at:

Anonymous said...

Mine's up. Thanks for starting this!

Anonymous said...

mines up - this is a great idea, love it :-)

Anonymous said...

Mine's up- more of a quote though. It is poetry to me!

Anonymous said...

I'm in, for sure!

Anonymous said...

I'm posting, and linking to you.

Anonymous said...

I posted a poem!

Anonymous said...

Very fun ~ I just posted a poem and linked people over.

Anonymous said...

Mine's up and I've linked.

Anonymous said...

Mine is up at

Ms. Angie said...

This is a great idea. Mine is up at .

Anonymous said...

blessed imbolc...see my favorite poem of the moment at

Anonymous said...

I "read" my poem today.

Anonymous said...

I love an opportunity to share the poem I posted today. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I have posted -- because the world can never have too much poetry

Anonymous said...

Mine is up - both on my knitting blog, and here:

What a lovely idea!

Anonymous said...

mine's up! I love this idea.

knittingwoman said...

I just put a poem on my LJ.

Thank you for continuing this.

Anonymous said...

I have posted on my blog, Thanks for bringing me back to a thoughtful poem during a busy week!

Anonymous said...

I'm in, too!

Anonymous said...

Mine's up.

Anonymous said...

This is awesome! Mine's up!

erica said...

I just posted a lovely poem that my husband wrote for me. RoseByAny let me know about this.

erica said...

I just posted a lovely poem that my husband wrote for me. RoseByAny let me know about this.

Anonymous said...

thank you, this is great.

Anonymous said...

I'm in!! :)

Anonymous said...

I almost missed this! I'm in.

Anonymous said...

Mine is up..can be read at

Anonymous said...

Poetry has been initiated and linked back. :)


Anonymous said...

I posted and linked back. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I've joined in!


Nana Sadie said...

I'm in, too!

Anonymous said...

I just posted a poem. Thanks for spreading this lovely idea.

Anonymous said...

I just posted one here:

Anonymous said...

I'm in, too.

~ Crow

Anonymous said...

I've joined in.


Anonymous said...

Just posted mine.

Bright blessings!

Anonymous said...

Today I posted my very favorite poem by Lawrence Ferlinghetti.

Anonymous said...

I'm in too. Fab idea!

Anonymous said...

My entry is up.

Nancy said...

This year I shared a poem from one of our hometown favorites.

Anonymous said...

thank you for sharing
poetry with the world.

Anonymous said...

I joined in.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the reminder of a way to celebrate Brigid.

Anonymous said...

I have a poem too!

froggiemeanie said...

I did it. Referred by the Yarn Harlot (

Suzann said...

I am in. Although I don't normally put my poetry on my knitting blog

Anna said...

I'm in. Stephanie the Yarn Harlot clued me in to this.

Anonymous said...

Here's my favorite, from one of the books in my late mother's collection. I always enjoyed reading it as a child.

Anonymous said...

Mine is

Birdsong said...

Mine is here:

Anonymous said...

I am definately hoppin' on this bandwagon...

Susan said...

I love this! Here's mine:

Anonymous said...

What a lovely idea! Mine is up too-

Anonymous said...

My poem is up too...

Anonymous said...

hmm... that didn't work! I just posted the above comment, blog at

Anonymous said...

I posted on my reading blog - this is such a wonderful idea!


Anonymous said...

I've got a poem up on today's post.

Anonymous said...

I'm in. I'm posting here first, then will go to my own blog to post something, so don't look for twenty minutes or so...

Lovely idea.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful idea (can't guarantee my poetry is the same quality)...count me in!

Anonymous said...

I'm in. Come visit.

Anonymous said...

here you go...

Anonymous said...

I posted on
and I'm looking forward to reading everyone else's poetry offerings.

Anonymous said...

One of my very favourite poems to be found at

Anonymous said...

I'm in. One day it really might be otherwise.

Anonymous said...

so many amazing pieces posted.... mine's up now too!

Anonymous said...

Ooh! I love this! I completely missed this last year, but I'm glad to be clued in for the future.

Anonymous said...

Count me in!

Anonymous said...

I posted one of my favorites!

Anonymous said...

I posted one of my favorites!

Anonymous said...

February 2! Poetry! Win.

Anonymous said...

I posted one of my favorites!

Anonymous said...

I posted one of my favorites!

Anonymous said...

I just found out about this, but I'm totally in!

Anonymous said...

Mine's up now, too :)

Anonymous said...

Posted mine here:

Anonymous said...

Mine is posted here.

Anonymous said...

I posted as well.

Broomstick Chronicles said...

Thanks, Oak. Mine is here


Anonymous said...

I really liked this idea; I missed it the first time around. Read some Wallace Stevens.

Anonymous said...

A great idea! I've posted mine (better late than never)

Anonymous said...


Lucia said...

Better late than never, I'm in, with my glass raised to St. Brigid!

Anonymous said...

I've posted my words:

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah. Happy Imbolc! It's here, after the 'read more':

Rather long, as I what I chose was a Child ballad. ;)


Anonymous said...

Celebrating Brigid in my new home with a cyberspace poem and daffodills on my altar.
Thinking about love:)

Happy Brigid!


Anonymous said...

I've asked my daughter to lend me some of her poetry for this. Given my own lack of poetry sense this was for the best!
Posted on my blog & linked to this site plus the 2 others I first read (silently) about today's project :)

marie in florida said...

i'm in thanks.

Anonymous said...

Posted my own, still have a couple hours left in the holiday:

Anonymous said...

I posted one:

Anonymous said...

Mine's done! And I had one yesterday, before I found out about this today!

Anonymous said...

Mine is up..

Anonymous said...

Okey dokey, count me in, too.

Anonymous said...

I posted one of my favorites!

Anonymous said...

I'm in.

Anonymous said...

Bring on the poetry!

AntSaint: Bloggers (Silent) Poetry Reading

Anonymous said...

I'm in once again.

Anonymous said...

Poem posted.

Anonymous said...

Poetry my 15 year old wrote on my computer for an English assignment on 2-1-07 seems like fun poetry to share!

Anonymous said...

Cool! I'm in

Anonymous said...

I chose Brecht, "Questions from a Worker Who Reads."


Roberta Lipp said...

Looks like I kinda wrote one.

Anonymous said...

I heard about this from Michele at Bibliomanics and Yarn Harlot... I added one too...

Now I'm going to go read all the others...

Anonymous said...

Better later in the day than never.

Anonymous said...

I'm in, and glad to see this, which I read about on Elizabeth's blog.

My Blog

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this, it gave me a reason to pause and reflect on the day, and to share a much-loved poem with my little corner of the cyberworld.

Anonymous said...

I got in late tonight but I made it before midnight. Thanks for doing this, I can hardly wait to read what everyone else posted!

Anonymous said...

Oh what a beautiful idea. I'm in (albeit just after midnight, but hey, I'm awake so it's still 2/2), at

Anonymous said...

I was tagged by jmo

Diana said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Diana said...

I'm in!

Anonymous said...

mine's technically a day late, but I just read my friend's post about your poetry reading. I posted a Frost poem here:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for bringing this 'round again! I missed it last year but have my poem (fragment) up this time here.

Anonymous said...

Here's mine. :)

Anonymous said...

a little late. but i had to post my favourite, 'if'.

Anonymous said...

I've posted one too - so much fun seeing what everyone chose

Anonymous said...

Mine's up.

Anonymous said...

I'm both late and unoriginal, but nonetheless:

I did it.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love this! I'm in.

Anonymous said...

I'm in too.

King Robert of Sicily by Longfellow on my family only blog

And Ode by Arthur O'Shauneghnessy

Great idea! Thanks for doing this!

Anonymous said...

A bit dark, but this is my favorite love poem. I just love the idea of a kiss that is forever. Very Heathcliff and Cathy."

Mama Kelly said...

I'm a day late but I posted an original piece today



Mama Kelly

Anonymous said...

I participated again this year! Fun.

Anonymous said...

I'm a day late, but mine has been in my sidebar for about a month at


Anonymous said...

I posted a poem

Anonymous said...

i'm a day late, but i posted a poem.

Anonymous said...

One day late, but I posted anyways....

Anonymous said...

also a bit late, but i posted of my favorite poemes by louise gluck

what a fabulous idea

Anonymous said...

Another poster a day late, but done. Love the idea!

Anonymous said...

What a nice way to celebrate my birthday :-)

miss ewe said...

I'm late, but I'm in. Thanks for this.

'Zann said...

2 days late here! But I posted today (2/4/07) as soon as I read about the Silent Reading. What a wonderful idea. My blog has been dedicated to Brigid since the beginning.

Yewtree said...

I'm gradually adding the poems to the Pagan Theologies Wiki - hope this is OK. I thought it would be good to have titles and links to actual posts. There is also a comments facility on the wiki, so anyone can add themselves in the comments as well.

I'm also looking for contributors to the wiki, so let me know if you're interested.

Judith said...

Sorry -- I came to this late, but posted a poem on Feb 4th. I'll put it on my calendar for next year.

7-letter Deborah, never a Deb said...

Thanks for giving us the chance to think about our favorite. It took me a bit to decide, but I posted one.

teabird said...

I posted one of my favorites by Sara Teasdale -

Thinking of you and your mother -


Grace Garton said...

I'll work on it today!!

Anonymous said...
The Flotz
Jack Prelutsky

Nancy said...

I never miss the annual silent poetry!

Leeann said...

I found out a little late, but I did participate!

Anonymous said...

So I found out at the last minute... well... about 2hrs and 30min late, actually. But since I'm putting the final touches on an Imbolc rit for Bríd that we're doing tomorrow, I figured I'd join in *smile* since I'm in the mood.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

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gener said...

Good review, thanks.

usadrug said...

Is great, thanks.

Flerkin McBlerkin said...

What's with all those chinese links in the comments, it's not like I can read what they say!
Cleaning Service

Anonymous said...

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