Friday, March 02, 2007

full moon magic

The candles are lit and the house vibrates with the thrum and hum of magic, that change of consciousness that opens up the lines of communication with the elements, with the sacred, with the divine. The tulips, daffodils, and blossoms of plum on the altar attest to the beauty of this green planet, beauty beyond comprehension.

Tonight I honored earth, air, fire, water and spirit and asked for their help. I called to the ancestors and those who will come in the future. I invited and invoked the mysterious ones, all those deities and guardians who are able and willing to be of assistance, who might also need or want my assistance, or at the very least my attention. I dropped down and felt the change that has already begun, the polar ice caps that are melting, the rising of the ocean, the changes in temperature, the changes in seasons.

How hard it is to really sit with this, to feel it and keep breathing. And I prayed and asked for assistance in people having the strength to change. Then.......something happened. I felt the power of human creativity, the diversity amongst us, the tenacity. The strength is there. We have to pay attention to what is already happening and adjust accordingly. And sooner than later. And I breathed into that.

The moon is full and shining, bathing this city in its silver light. I can feel the thrum and hum of all those I've communicated with tonight, and I can feel the creativity and strength of the people in this city, a city that rolled last night with a 4.5 earthquake. We are getting jolts all the time, reminders that things are changing, that we should pay attention, that we should change. We need to wake up. We need to dream. We need to wake up. And then we need to dream again. We can change. We do it all the time.

Today I finally learned to use a digital camera and put pictures on my blog, something I never felt myself capable of.

Anything can happen. And usually does.


Reya Mellicker said...

B R A V O !!!!

Oh I am loving this pic! I know exactly where this is in your house, of course. The altar is sumptuous - gorgeous! WOW!!

And yes Deborah I resonate with your discovery that everything is exactly as it should be. The melting polar caps, the rising oceans, this is part of the regular life cycle of this beautiful planet on which we live. Ironic that we were a major contributing factor in this particular earth warm-up, but if not our species, it would be something else - a meteor crashing into the planet or some other natural phenomena.

Not that we need to forget about living more reasonably on this earth ("we" being Americans mostly), but it's helpful to understand we are only one piece of the complicated web of this living planet.

MORE PICS!!!!! I love you!

Aquila ka Hecate said...

Lovely altar!
Quite a contrast to my indoor Samhain altar from last year that I headed my last blog post with-all stark balck and silver.

Last night's work was magical.
I walked the circle alone, yet very much not alone.

Thank you all for being there with me at that ungodly hour of the morning!

Terri in Joburg

Paul said...

What a beautiful altar. Glad you learnt to use a digital camera :) The full moon and the night sky are resplendent at the moment and I will be honouring the deities and guardians tonight.

Patty said...

Oh I love that photo. What a beautiful Altar. The tulips and daffodils bring me hope that spring is not far away. Thanks for sharing with us.

Beth Owl's Daughter said...

What a glorious, sumptuous sight, dear Oak! Thank you for your magic and all that you share. May the beautiful Virgo Moon's radiance and healing fill us all.

- Beth Owl's Daughter

Anonymous said...

oh i sooo love your photo - more please!!

Magda xxx

Hecate said...

What a gorgeous altar!

Anonymous said...

Oh I am *drooling* over those tulips!!!!! *sigh* What a lovely post - thank you.
